// TODO: GOLIVE var naviman_domain = 'https://chipmunk-factual-mildly.ngrok-free.app/'; var naviman_css = naviman_domain + "uigen/uigen.css?v=" + Math.random(); var UIGEN_ENV = "DEVELOPMENT"; /*var naviman_domain = 'https://naviman.shopifas.com/'; var naviman_css = 'https://naviplus.b-cdn.net/naviplus/golive/uigen-v2.2.css'; var UIGEN_ENV = "DEPLOYMENT"; */ var naviman_json_cdn = "https://naviplus.b-cdn.net/naviplus/data/json"; var naviman_json_files = "https://naviplus.b-cdn.net/naviplus/data/"; if (typeof naviman === 'undefined') { console.log("Navi+ is AIO toolkit to create navigations: Sticky navbar, Bottom & Tab bar, Mega Menu, Float support button.. | Website: https://apps.shopify.com/pronavi-navigation-design"); } /********************************************************************************************************************** Functions. **********************************************************************************************************************/ var naviman = (function(){ var VERTICAL_CHILDREN_WIDTH = 200; var DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH = 400; var SCROLL_TO_HIDE = 58; var BOX_SHADOW = 'box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10);'; var shop = ''; var embed_id = ''; var windowWidth = window.innerWidth; var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var cartCount = 0; var BADGE_HIDE = 0; var BADGE_DOT = 1; var BADGE_ISCART_WITHCOUNT = 2; // Gom toàn bộ những SF-1234567 data vào 1 biến để dùng var navimanData = []; /** Khởi tạo các biến dùng chung **************************/ /** uigen/init.js ****************************************/ if (typeof NAVIGLOBAL === 'undefined') { NAVIGLOBAL = []; NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS'] = []; NAVIGLOBAL['MENU_KINDS'] = []; NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS'] = { ICON_IMAGE_TEXT: 1, GROUP_TITLE: 2, BLANK_SPACE: 3, BIG_IMAGE_TEXT: 4, CUSTOM_HTML: 5, BUTTON: 6 }; // TODO NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_DISPLAY_LAYOUT'] = { TOP_DOWN: 1, LEFT_RIGHT: 2, ICON_IMAGE_ONLY: 3, TEXT_ONLY: 4, EMPTY: 5, }; NAVIGLOBAL['MENU_KINDS'] = { STICKY_MOBILE_TABBAR: 1, STICKY_MOBILE_HEADER: 2, STICKY_FAB_SUPPORT: 11, SECTION_MOBILE_HEADER: 20, SECTION_MOBILE_MEGAMENU: 31, SECTION_MOBILE_GRID: 41, SECTION_MOBILE_BANNER: 42, /*******************************/ SECTION_MEGAMENU: 131 } NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION'] = { BOTTOM: 1, TOP: 2, RIGHT_CENTER: 3, LEFT_CENTER: 4, RIGHT_BOTTOM: 5, LEFT_BOTTOM: 6 } NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION'] = { BOTTOM_CENTER: 1, BOTTOM_RIGHT: 2, BOTTOM_LEFT: 3, BOTTOM_FULL: 4, RIGHT_TOP: 5, LEFT_TOP: 6, LEFT_FULL_TOP: 7, LEFT_FULL_CENTER: 8, RIGHT_FULL_TOP: 9, RIGHT_FULL_CENTER: 10, } NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT'] = { DEFAULT: 1, HIGHLIGHT: 2, FLOATING: 3, FAB: 4 } } /** uigen/init.js END ****************************************/ /** Khởi tạo các hàm dùng chung **************************/ /** uigen/libs.js ****************************************/ var clearCSS_JS = function (css) { if (typeof css == 'undefined') return ""; css = css.trim(); css = css.strReplace('', ''); css = css.strReplace('', ''); return css; }; var addStyleToHeader = function(styles) { var css = document.createElement('style'); css.type = 'text/css'; if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = styles; else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); } var isHadValue = function(checkVar) { if (typeof (checkVar) == 'undefined') return false; if (checkVar.toString().trim() == "") return false; return true; }; var defaultValue = function( str, defaultValue ) { if (typeof str == 'undefined') return defaultValue; if( str.toString().trim() == "" ) return defaultValue; return str; }; var standardizeCSS = function(rules, className){ if( rules == "" ) return rules; if( rules.length >= className.length + 1 ) if( rules.substring(0, className.length + 1) == '.' + className ) return rules; var classLen = className.length, char, nextChar, isAt, isIn; // makes sure the className will not concatenate the selector className = '#' + className + ' '; // removes comments rules = rules.replace( /\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*\*\/|[\r\n\t]+/g, '' ); // makes sure nextChar will not target a space rules = rules.replace( /}(\s*)@/g, '}@' ); rules = rules.replace( /}(\s*)}/g, '}}' ); for (var i = 0; i < rules.length-2; i++) { char = rules[i]; nextChar = rules[i+1]; if (char === '@' && nextChar !== 'f') isAt = true; if (!isAt && char === '{') isIn = true; if (isIn && char === '}') isIn = false; if ( !isIn && nextChar !== '@' && nextChar !== '}' && ( char === '}' || char === ',' || ((char === '{' || char === ';') && isAt) ) ) { rules = rules.slice(0, i+1) + className + rules.slice(i+1); i += classLen; isAt = false; } }; // prefix the first select if it is not `@media` and if it is not yet prefixed if (rules.indexOf(className) !== 0 && rules.indexOf('@') !== 0) rules = className+rules; return rules; }; var isMobileMode = function () { if (windowWidth <= 768) return true; return false; }; var getCurrentTemplate = function () { let path = window.location.pathname.toUpperCase().trim(); if (path == '/' || path == '') return "index"; if (path.includes('PRODUCTS')) return "products"; if (path.includes('COLLECTIONS')) return "collections"; if (path.includes('PAGES')) return "pages"; if (path.includes('BLOGS')) return "blogs"; return "others"; }; var jsonp = function(uri) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var id = '_' + Math.round(10000 * Math.random()); var callbackName = 'jsonp_callback_' + id; window[callbackName] = function(data) { delete window[callbackName]; var ele = document.getElementById(id); ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele); resolve(data); } var src = uri + '&callback=' + callbackName; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.id = id; script.addEventListener('error', reject); (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(script) }); }; var displayElement = function( el, display ) { if( isNull(el)) return; if( isNull(el.style)) return; if( display ) el.style.display = "block"; else el.style.display = "none"; }; var isNull = function( object ) { if ( object == null ) return true; if ( typeof object == "undefined" ) return true; return false; }; String.prototype.strReplace = function(strR, strWith) { var esc = strR.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); var reg = new RegExp(esc, 'ig'); return this.replace(reg, strWith); }; var debugConsole = function ( object ) { if( UIGEN_ENV == "DEVELOPMENT" ) console.log( object ); }; // Kiểm tra xem nếu là icon thì trả về icon, nếu có ảnh thì chỉ hiện thị ảnh thôi var itemMedia = function(icon, image, naviman_domain, style='', iconBoxPaddingTop = 0, itemExtIconSize = '', itemExtAlign = '') { let isHadImage = true; if (typeof (image) === 'undefined') isHadImage = false; else if (image.trim() == "") isHadImage = false; var iconStyle = ""; if( iconBoxPaddingTop != 0 ) { iconStyle += 'margin-bottom:' + ( iconBoxPaddingTop - 2 ) + 'px; padding-top: ' + iconBoxPaddingTop + 'px;'; } var styleImageHeight = ''; if( itemExtIconSize != '' ) styleImageHeight += ' style="height:'+ itemExtIconSize +'px" '; if (!isHadImage) { return '' + '' + ''; } else return '
' + '' + '
'; }; var defaultMarginPadding = function( marginPadding ) { if( marginPadding == null ) marginPadding = { 'top' : 0, 'right' : 0, 'bottom' : 0, 'left' : 0 }; if(marginPadding['top'] == '') marginPadding['top'] = 0; if(marginPadding['right'] == '') marginPadding['right'] = 0; if(marginPadding['bottom'] == '') marginPadding['bottom'] = 0; if(marginPadding['left'] == '') marginPadding['left'] = 0; return marginPadding; }; function encodeBody( url ) { var output = url; const words = output.split('body='); if( words.length == 2 ) { //console.log( words ); var body = encodeURIComponent(words[1]); output = words[0] + 'body=' + body; } return output; } function isUrlContain(keywordsSetting) { var url = window.location.pathname + window.location.search; //window.location.href.toLowerCase(); url = url.toLowerCase() var keywords = keywordsSetting.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { keywords[i] = keywords[i].trim().toLowerCase(); if( keywords[i] != '' ) { if( url.includes( keywords[i] ) ) return true; } } return false; } function isUserLoggedIn() { try { if (window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.page.customerId == null) return false; }catch({ name, message }) { return false; } return true; } var hexToRgba = function(hex, alpha = 1) { // Remove the leading # hex = hex.replace('#', ''); // Parse the red, green, and blue values let red = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16); let green = parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16); let blue = parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16); // Return the rgba string return `rgba(${red}, ${green}, ${blue}, ${alpha})`; } var isSettingBeTrue = function( checkVar, defaultValue = false ) { if (isHadValue(checkVar)) if( checkVar == true || checkVar == "true" ) return true; else return false; return defaultValue; } var removeExtraSpaces = function(str) { // Sử dụng biểu thức chính quy để thay thế nhiều khoảng trắng bằng một khoảng trắng duy nhất return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } var menuPositionClass = function ( data ) { var menuPosition = ''; switch (parseInt(data["setting"]["mobilePosition"])) { case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['BOTTOM']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "bottom "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['TOP']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "top "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_CENTER']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "right-center "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_CENTER']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "left-center "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_BOTTOM']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "right-bottom "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_BOTTOM']: menuPosition += " mobile-" + "left-button "; break; } switch (parseInt(data["setting"]["desktopPosition"])) { case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_CENTER']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "bottom-center "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_RIGHT']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "bottom-right "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_RIGHT']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "bottom-right "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_LEFT']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "bottom-left "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_FULL']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "bottom-full "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_TOP']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "right-top "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_TOP']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "left-top "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_TOP']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "left-full-top "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_CENTER']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "left-full-center "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_FULL_TOP']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "right-full-top "; break; case NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_FULL_CENTER']: menuPosition += " desktop-" + "right-full-center "; break; } return menuPosition; } var showNaviOverlay = function () { if( document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay") == null ) return; if( document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay").length == 0 ) return; document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay")[0].style.display = 'block'; /* var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; */ } var hideNaviOverlay = function () { if( document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay") == null ) return; if( document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay").length == 0 ) return; document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay")[0].style.display = 'none'; } /** uigen/libs.js END ****************************************/ var generateCSS_init = function ( setting ) { //debugConsole("1.generateCSS_init"); setting['submenuWidth'] = defaultValue(setting['submenuWidth'], 200); setting['textSize'] = defaultValue( setting['textSize'], 10); setting['spaceTextIcon'] = defaultValue(setting['spaceTextIcon'], 2); setting['iconSize'] = defaultValue(setting['iconSize'], 22); setting['height'] = defaultValue(setting['height'], 54); setting['borderRadius'] = defaultValue(setting['borderRadius'], 0); setting['opacity'] = defaultValue(setting['opacity'], 100); setting['bottomMargin'] = defaultValue(setting['bottomMargin'], ""); setting['settingMargin'] = defaultMarginPadding( setting['settingMargin'] ); setting['settingPadding'] = defaultMarginPadding( setting['settingPadding'] ); }; var generateCSS_paddingMargin = function ( setting, cssNaviPrefix, section_setting ) { //debugConsole("4.generateCSS_paddingMargin"); var addHtml = ""; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { margin: ' + setting['settingMargin']['top'] + 'px ' + setting['settingMargin']['right'] + 'px ' + setting['settingMargin']['bottom'] + 'px ' + setting['settingMargin']['left'] + 'px ' + ' } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { padding: ' + setting['settingPadding']['top'] + 'px ' + setting['settingPadding']['right'] + 'px ' + setting['settingPadding']['bottom'] + 'px ' + setting['settingPadding']['left'] + 'px ' + ' } '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_UI_Level1_Menuitems = function ( setting, cssNaviPrefix, naviman_appItem, dragdrop, section_setting ) { //debugConsole("2.generateCSS_UI_Level1_Menuitems"); var addHtml = ""; if (isHadValue(setting['textColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .name { color: ' + setting['textColor'] + '; } '; // TODO: Cho chọn không chọn font và một font tự chọn tên. if (isHadValue(setting['fontFamily'])) { let fontFamily_css = ''; naviman_appItem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', fontFamily_css); addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' {font-family: "' + setting['fontFamily'].strReplace('+', ' ') + '", "Roboto"} '; } if (isHadValue(setting['textSize'])) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item > .inner .name { font-size: ' + setting['textSize'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item > .inner .name > { font-size: ' + setting['textSize'] + 'px; } '; // Sửa chỗ này để overwrite các ông khác. } /* if (isHadValue(setting['spaceTextIcon']))*/ /* addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .icon, ' + cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .image { height: ' + (21 + (setting['spaceTextIcon'] - 2)) + 'px; } ';*/ if (isHadValue(setting['dividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_divider { border-color: ' + setting['dividerColor'] + '; } '; if (isHadValue(setting['badgeColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item_badge .inner .icon::before, ' + cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_badge .inner .image::before { color: ' + setting['badgeColor'] + '; } '; if (isHadValue(setting['iconColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item .icon i { color: ' + setting['iconColor'] + '; } '; if (isHadValue(setting['iconSize'])) { /* Login của đoạn này như sau (Chỉ áp dụng cho icon/Small image): 1. Nếu setting chung icon size thì áp dụng cho cả icon và image 2. Đối với level 2: Thì đặt chiều cao của icon và image bằng nhau và bằng iconSize + 4 */ addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item .icon i { font-size: ' + setting['iconSize'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item ul li.child .icon i { font-size: ' + setting['iconSize'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item ul li.child .icon { height: ' + ( parseInt(setting['iconSize']) + 4) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item .image img { height: ' + setting['iconSize'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item ul li.child .image img { height: ' + setting['iconSize'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item ul li.child .image { height: ' + ( parseInt(setting['iconSize']) + 4) + 'px; } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { left: calc(50% - 26px); position: absolute; padding-top: ' + (16 - (setting['iconSize'] - 12) / 2) + 'px; } '; } // Don't display text --------------------------------------------------------- if (setting['textHide'] == "true" || setting['textHide'] == true) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item > .inner .name { display:none; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item > .inner .description { display:none; } '; /* if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item .inner { padding-top: ' + ((setting['height'] - 50) / 2 + 8 + (setting['textSize'] / 2)) + 'px } '; */ if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) { let isVertical = false; if (isMobileMode()) if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_CENTER'] || setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_CENTER'] || setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_BOTTOM'] || setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_BOTTOM'] ) isVertical = true; if (!isMobileMode()) // Desktop mode if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_TOP'] || setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_TOP'] || setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_TOP'] || setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_CENTER'] ) isVertical = true; if (isVertical) { let itemHeight = (parseInt(setting['height']) - setting['textSize']); /* TODO: Cần chỉnh chỗ này, nếu như có padding thì phải phình to ra chứ? */ addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { height: ' + itemHeight + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ height: ' + itemHeight * dragdrop.length + 'px } '; } } } return addHtml; } var generateCSS_UI_Level1_Background = function ( setting, cssNaviPrefix, section_setting ) { //debugConsole("3.generateCSS_UI_Level1_Background"); var addHtml = ""; // Background --------------------------------------------------------------- if (isSettingBeTrue(setting['level1BackgroundHide'])) { // Nếu không có nền thì bỏ nền và bỏ bóng. addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background: initial; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ box-shadow: none !important; } '; }else { if (isHadValue(setting['backgroundImage'])) { if (setting['backgroundImage'].includes("?")) { // Xử lý duy nhất trường hợp có opacity cho background Image var bg = setting['backgroundImage'].split("?"); var bgImage = bg[0]; var bgOpacity = parseInt(bg[1]); if (bgOpacity != 0) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background-image: url("' + bgImage + '"); background-size: cover; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background-color: ' + hexToRgba(setting['backgroundColor'], 1 - (bgOpacity / 100)) + '; background-blend-mode: hue; } '; } else { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background: ' + setting['backgroundColor'] + ' } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background-image: url("' + bgImage + '"); background-size: cover; } '; } } else { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background: ' + setting['backgroundColor'] + ' } '; } } else { // Nếu ko có background thì dùng màu bình thường. if (isHadValue(setting['backgroundColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ background: ' + setting['backgroundColor'] + ' } '; } } if (! isSettingBeTrue(setting['level1Dropshadow'], true)) { // Nếu không có nền thì bỏ nền và bỏ bóng. addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { box-shadow: none !important; } '; } // Height addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item { height: ' + setting['height'] + 'px } '; // Curve (Border-radius) if (isHadValue(setting['layout'])) { if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['DEFAULT'] || setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px 0px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px; } '; } else addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px; } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px; } '; // Nếu là float button thì level có border-radius: 1/2 addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { border-radius: ' + (setting['borderRadius'] / 2) + 'px;} '; } } if (isHadValue(setting['opacity'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + '{ opacity: ' + (setting['opacity'] / 100) + ' } '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_UI_Level2 = function ( setting, cssNaviPrefix, naviman_appItem, dragdrop, section_setting ) { //debugConsole("5.generateCSS_UI_Level2"); var addHtml = ""; if (isHadValue(setting['submenuTextColor'])) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item ul li.child .name { color: ' + setting['submenuTextColor'] + '; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item a { color: ' + setting['submenuTextColor'] + '; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item ul li.child .description { color: ' + setting['submenuTextColor'] + '; } '; } if (isHadValue(setting['submenuIconColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item ul li.child .icon i { color: ' + setting['submenuIconColor'] + '; } '; if (isSettingBeTrue(setting['level2BackgroundHide'])) { // Nếu không có nền thì bỏ nền và bỏ bóng. addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { background: initial; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: none !important; } '; }else { if (isHadValue(setting['submenuBackgroundColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { background: ' + setting['submenuBackgroundColor'] + ' } '; } if (! isSettingBeTrue(setting['level2Dropshadow'], true)) { // Nếu không có nền thì bỏ nền và bỏ bóng. addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: none !important; } '; } if (isHadValue(setting['submenuDividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.child_divider { border-color: ' + setting['submenuDividerColor'] + '; } '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_Publish = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, section_setting) { //debugConsole("7.generateCSS_Publish"); var addHtml = ""; addHtml += ' @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { '; if (setting['mobileDisplay'] == "false" || setting['mobileDisplay'] == false) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { display: none !important; } '; if( !isMobileMode() ) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { display: none !important; } '; addHtml += ' } '; addHtml += ' @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) { '; if (setting['desktopDisplay'] == "false" || setting['desktopDisplay'] == false) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { display: none !important; } '; } if( isMobileMode() ) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { display: none !important; } '; addHtml += ' } '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_Position = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, section_setting) { //debugConsole("8.generateCSS_Position"); var addHtml = ""; addHtml += ' @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {'; if (setting['mobileAutoHide'] == "true" || setting['mobileAutoHide'] == true) { if (setting['mobileDisplay'] == "true" || setting['mobileDisplay'] == true) scrollToHide("mobile", cssNaviPrefix); } addHtml += '} '; addHtml += ' @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {'; if (setting['desktopAutoHide'] == "true" || setting['desktopAutoHide'] == true) { if( setting['desktopDisplay'] == "true" || setting['desktopDisplay'] == true ) if (setting['desktopPosition'] != NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_TOP'] && setting['desktopPosition'] != NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['LEFT_FULL_CENTER'] && setting['desktopPosition'] != NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_FULL_TOP'] && setting['desktopPosition'] != NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_FULL_CENTER'] ) scrollToHide("desktop", cssNaviPrefix); } addHtml += '} '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_Advance = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, naviman_appItem, embed_id, section_setting) { //debugConsole("9.generateCSS_Advance"); var addHtml = ""; // JS / jQuery --------------------------------------------------------- var jsScript = document.createElement('script'); jsScript.textContent = clearCSS_JS(setting['jsCode']); document.body.appendChild(jsScript); // CSS --------------------------------------------------------- naviman_appItem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', ''); naviman_appItem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', ''); // zIndex ------------------------------------------------------ if (isHadValue(setting['zIndex'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { z-index: '+ setting['zIndex'] +'; } '; return addHtml; }; var generateCSS_FixByLayout = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { //debugConsole("6.generateCSS_FixByLayout"); var addHtml = ""; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) { if (setting['highlightColor'].trim() != "") addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { background: ' + setting['highlightColor'] + '; } '; if (setting['highlightIconColor'].trim() != "") addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner i { color: ' + setting['highlightIconColor'] + '; } '; } if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { bottom: ' + setting['bottomMargin'] + 'px; } '; } } if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; left: initial; right: 16px; height: ' + parseInt(setting['height']) + 'px; width: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) * dragdrop.length) + 'px; } '; //addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } '; //addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li.item .inner { padding-top: ' + ((setting['height'] - 50) / 2 + 8 + (setting['textSize'] / 2)) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { left: initial; right: 0px; bottom: 4px; width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { ' + BOX_SHADOW + ';} '; if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; } return addHtml; } var generateCSS_UI_Common = function ( setting, cssNaviPrefix, naviman_appItem, dragdrop, section_setting ) { var addHtml = ""; // Logic: Nếu set height và kiểu left-right thì sẽ đặt một cái padding-top để nó căn vào giữa cho nó đẹp. //addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul > li.item .inner { padding-top: ' + ((setting['height'] - 50) / 2 + 7) + 'px } '; //addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul > li.left-right .inner { padding-top: 0px } '; // TODO: Chỗ này chưa ngon do nếu gap < 0 thì chỉ sống với top-down if (isHadValue(setting['spaceTextIcon'])) { if( setting['spaceTextIcon'] < 0 ) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { gap: 0px }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner .info { margin-top: '+ setting['spaceTextIcon'] +'px }'; }else addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { gap: '+ setting['spaceTextIcon'] +'px }'; } if( isUserLoggedIn() ) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.publish-show-logined { display: initial }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.publish-hide-logined { display: none }'; }else { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.publish-show-logined { display: none }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.publish-hide-logined { display: initial }'; } return addHtml; } var getItemValue = function( item, keyName, defaultVal ) { if( item[keyName] != null ) return item[keyName]; return defaultVal; } var generateCSS_Level1_Width = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, naviman_appItem, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; var fixPx = 0; var fixPercent = 0; var automationCount = 0; var maxAutomationCount = 0; dragdrop.forEach((item) => { var itemIsPublished = getItemValue(item, "ispublished", 1); var itemHideWhenLogined = getItemValue(item, "hidewhenlogined", 0); var itemShowWhenLogined = getItemValue(item, "showwhenlogined", 0); var itemWidthLayout = getItemValue(item, "widthlayout", 1); if( itemIsPublished == 0 ) return; if( itemHideWhenLogined == 1 ) { if( isUserLoggedIn() ) return; } if( itemShowWhenLogined == 1 ) { if( !(isUserLoggedIn()) ) return; } if( itemWidthLayout == 14 ) fixPx += parseInt( item["widthfix"] ); if( itemWidthLayout == 2 ) fixPercent += 8.3333333333; if( itemWidthLayout == 3 ) fixPercent += 16.6666666666; if( itemWidthLayout == 4 ) fixPercent += 25; if( itemWidthLayout == 5 ) fixPercent += 33.3333333333; if( itemWidthLayout == 6 ) fixPercent += 41.6666666666; if( itemWidthLayout == 7 ) fixPercent += 50; if( itemWidthLayout == 8 ) fixPercent += 58.3333333333; if( itemWidthLayout == 9 ) fixPercent += 66.6666666666; if( itemWidthLayout == 10 ) fixPercent += 75; if( itemWidthLayout == 11 ) fixPercent += 83.3333333333; if( itemWidthLayout == 12 ) fixPercent += 91.6666666666; if( itemWidthLayout == 13 ) fixPercent += 100; if( itemWidthLayout == 15 ) fixPercent += 10; if( itemWidthLayout == 16 ) fixPercent += 20; if( itemWidthLayout == 17 ) fixPercent += 50; if( itemWidthLayout == 18 ) fixPercent += 100; if( itemWidthLayout == 1 ) automationCount ++; if( fixPercent == 100 ) { // Nếu gặp một item tràn màn hình thì ngắt, lấy max để làm lưới cơ sở. if( automationCount > maxAutomationCount) { maxAutomationCount = automationCount; automationCount = 0; } } }); if( automationCount == 0 && maxAutomationCount == 0 ) return ""; if( maxAutomationCount > 0 ) automationCount = maxAutomationCount; if( fixPercent >= 100 ) fixPercent = 0; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: calc( calc( '+ (100 - fixPercent ) +'% - '+ fixPx +'px) / '+ automationCount +') } '; return addHtml; } var generateCSS = function(naviman_appItem, embed_id, setting, dragdrop, isNaviSection, section_setting) { generateCSS_init(setting); let html = ''; naviman_appItem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); /*debugConsole("R:Setting ----------------------------"); debugConsole(setting);*/ }; var generateCSS_FixForMobile = function(cssNaviPrefix, setting, dragdrop, section_setting) { if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) return ""; if (!isMobileMode()) return ""; var fixPositionBottom = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['BOTTOM']) { // Thêm footer padding-bottom // Fix: Thêm một khoảng trống ở dưới body, (nhưng nếu auto hide thì bỏ qua) if (setting['mobileAutoHide'] != "true" && setting['mobileAutoHide'] != true) { addHtml += ' body { padding-bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 0) + 'px; }'; } // Fix: Hất bóng shadow lên. addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { box-shadow: 0px -4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } '; // Fix: Nếu padding-left, right được set, thì sub menu (level 2) vẫn phải full screen if( parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['right']) > 0 ) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li ul.children { width: calc( 100% + ' + (parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['right'])) + 'px ); } '; if (parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) > 0) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li ul.children { left: -' + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + 'px; } '; } // Fix: Nếu margin-left, right được set, set width của menu để không bị tràn if (setting['settingMargin']['left'] != 0 || setting['settingMargin']['right'] != 0) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: calc( 100% - ' + (parseInt(setting['settingMargin']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingMargin']['right'])) + 'px) }; '; } } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionTop = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['TOP']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { bottom: initial; top:0px; } '; if(section_setting['not_sticky'] == false || section_setting['not_sticky'] == "false" ) // Nếu là loại sticky thì mới + thêm padding-top cho boddy addHtml += ' body {padding-top: ' + setting['height'] + 'px;} '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { bottom: initial; top: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 0) + 'px; ' + BOX_SHADOW + ' } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: 0px 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { margin-top: 0px } '; // Fix: Float là loại thứ 3, ko phải FAB if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != 0) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { bottom: initial; top: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; addHtml += ' body {padding-top: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + parseInt(setting['bottomMargin']) + 8) + 'px} '; } } // Thêm cái line ở giữa level 1 và 2 addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { border-top: solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); border-bottom:0px; } '; // Fix: Nếu padding-left, right được set, thì sub menu (level 2) vẫn phải full screen if( parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['right']) > 0 ) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li ul.children { width: calc( 100% + ' + (parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['right'])) + 'px ); } '; if (parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) > 0) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + 'ul li ul.children { left: -' + parseInt(setting['settingPadding']['left']) + 'px; } '; } // Fix: Nếu margin-left, right được set, set width của menu để không bị tràn if (setting['settingMargin']['left'] != 0 || setting['settingMargin']['right'] != 0) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: calc( 100% - ' + (parseInt(setting['settingMargin']['left']) + parseInt(setting['settingMargin']['right'])) + 'px) }; '; } } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionRightCenter = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_CENTER']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; left: initial; right: 0px; height: ' + ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; height: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: ' + ((windowHeight - ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length)) / 2) + 'px; }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { left: -201px; bottom: initial; margin-top: -' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; width: ' + VERTICAL_CHILDREN_WIDTH + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10); } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: -8px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { right: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; } } if (isHadValue(setting['dividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_divider { border-right: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: solid 1px ' + setting['dividerColor'] + '; margin-bottom: -1px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {left: ' + (-(setting['submenuWidth']) - 1) + 'px; } '; /*if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } ';*/ } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionRightBottom = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if ( setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['RIGHT_BOTTOM'] ) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; left: initial; right: 0px; height: ' + ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; height: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: ' + ((windowHeight - ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length)) / 2) + 'px; }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { left: -201px; bottom: initial; margin-top: -' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; width: ' + VERTICAL_CHILDREN_WIDTH + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10); } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: -8px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { right: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; } } addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: initial; bottom: 24px; } '; if (isHadValue(setting['dividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_divider { border-right: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: solid 1px ' + setting['dividerColor'] + '; margin-bottom: -1px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {left: ' + (-(setting['submenuWidth']) - 1) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { margin-top: initial; bottom: 0px; top: initial; } '; /*if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } ';*/ } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionLeftCenter = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_CENTER']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; right: initial; left: 0px; height: ' + ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; height: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: ' + ((windowHeight - ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length)) / 2) + 'px; }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { left: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; bottom: initial; margin-top: -' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; width: ' + VERTICAL_CHILDREN_WIDTH + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10); } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 1px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { left: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; } } if (isHadValue(setting['dividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_divider { border-right: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: solid 1px ' + setting['dividerColor'] + '; margin-bottom: -1px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; /*if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } ';*/ } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionLeftBottom = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['mobilePosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['MOBILE_POSITION']['LEFT_BOTTOM']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; right: initial; left: 0px; height: ' + ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; height: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: ' + ((windowHeight - ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length)) / 2) + 'px; }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { left: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; bottom: initial; margin-top: -' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; width: ' + VERTICAL_CHILDREN_WIDTH + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10); } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_primary > .inner { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 1px } '; if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FLOATING']) { if (setting['bottomMargin'] != "") { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { left: ' + (parseInt(setting['bottomMargin'])) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; } } addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: initial; bottom: 24px; } '; if (isHadValue(setting['dividerColor'])) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item_divider { border-right: 0px; margin-right: 0px; border-bottom: solid 1px ' + setting['dividerColor'] + '; margin-bottom: -1px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; /*if (setting['layout'] != NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item .inner { padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } ';*/ addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children { margin-top: initial; bottom: 0px; top: initial; } '; } return addHtml; }; let html = ' @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {'; html += fixPositionBottom(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += fixPositionTop(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += fixPositionRightCenter(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += fixPositionRightBottom(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += fixPositionLeftCenter(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += fixPositionLeftBottom(setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop, section_setting); html += '}'; return html; }; var generateCSS_FixForDesktop = function (cssNaviPrefix, setting, dragdrop, isNaviSection, section_setting) { if (setting['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['FAB']) return ""; if (isMobileMode()) return ""; var fixPositionBottomCenter = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_CENTER']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH + 'px; left: ' + ((windowWidth - DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH) / 2) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item{ position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children{ left: initial; right: 0px; bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionBottomRight = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_RIGHT']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH + 'px; left: initial; right: 16px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item{ position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children{ left: initial; right: 0px; bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionBottomLeft = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_LEFT']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH + 'px; left: 16px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item{ position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children{ left: initial; right: 0px; bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionBottomFull = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['BOTTOM_FULL']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' .navigation { width: ' + (DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH * 2) + 'px; left: ' + ((windowWidth - DESKTOP_MAX_WIDTH * 2) / 2) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item{ position: relative; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children{ left: initial; right: 0px; bottom: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 1) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li ul.children {width: ' + setting['submenuWidth'] + 'px; } '; } return addHtml; }; var fixPositionRightTop = function (setting, cssNaviPrefix, dragdrop) { var addHtml = ""; if (setting['desktopPosition'] == NAVIGLOBAL['DESKTOP_POSITION']['RIGHT_TOP']) { addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; left: initial; right: 0px; height: ' + ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length) + 'px } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' ul li.item { width: ' + setting['height'] + 'px; height: ' + (parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) + 'px; } '; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { top: ' + ((windowHeight - ((parseInt(setting['height']) + 8) * dragdrop.length)) / 2) + 'px; }'; addHtml += cssNaviPrefix + ' { border-radius: ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px 0px 0px ' + setting['borderRadius'] + 'px } '; 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var html = ''; return html; } var generateMenu = function( data, naviItem, isNaviSection, section_setting ){ var index = 0; var highLightItem = getItemHighlight(data); var sectionTitle = ''; if( section_setting['embed_title'] != "") sectionTitle += '

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} } else // Nếu là level 2,3 thì chỉ có một trường hợp ngang thôi. dividerDirection = "bottom-"; if( itemExtDiver["dividercolor"] != "" ) styles += 'border-'+ dividerDirection +'color:' + itemExtDiver["dividercolor"] + ';'; if( itemExtDiver["dividersize"] != "" ) styles += 'border-'+ dividerDirection +'width:' + String(itemExtDiver["dividersize"]).strReplace("px", "").strReplace("pt", "") + 'px;'; if( itemExtDiver["dividertype"] != "" ) styles += 'border-'+ dividerDirection +'style:' + itemExtDiver["dividertype"] + ';'; styles += '"'; return styles; } var getSubmenuClasses = function (itemExtSubmenu) { if( itemExtSubmenu["Animation"] != "" ) return getAnimationClass( itemExtSubmenu["Animation"] ); return ""; } var getSubmenuStyles = function (itemExtSubmenu, data) { /*var styles = ' style="'; if( itemExtSubmenu["Background"] != "" ) styles += 'background-color:' + itemExtSubmenu["Background"] + ';'; if( itemExtSubmenu["BackgroundImage"] != "" ) styles += ' background-image: url('+ itemExtSubmenu["BackgroundImage"] +'); background-size: cover;'; styles += '"'; return styles;*/ return getStyleExtBackground(itemExtSubmenu["Background"], itemExtSubmenu["BackgroundImage"], data, 2); } var getIconBoxPaddingTop = function (iconBoxPadding) { var itemExtIconBox = parsePaddingMargin(iconBoxPadding); return itemExtIconBox.top; } var getIconboxStyle = function ( color, padding, radius ) { if( color == "" ) return ""; var styleCSS = ""; styleCSS += 'background-color:' + color + ';'; if( padding != "") styleCSS += getPadding(parsePaddingMargin(padding)); if( radius != "") styleCSS += 'border-radius:' + String(radius).strReplace("px", "").strReplace("pt", "") + 'px'; return styleCSS; } var getPadding = function( padding ) { if( padding.top == 0 & padding.right == 0 & padding.bottom == 0 & padding.left == 0 ) return ""; return ' padding: '+ padding.top +'px '+ padding.right +'px '+ padding.bottom +'px '+ padding.left +'px; ' } var getMargin = function( margin ) { if( margin.top == 0 & margin.right == 0 & margin.bottom == 0 & margin.left == 0 ) return ""; return ' margin: '+ margin.top +'px '+ margin.right +'px '+ margin.bottom +'px '+ margin.left +'px; ' } var parsePaddingMargin = function ( paddingVars ) { var padding = { "top": 0, "right": 0, "bottom": 0, "left": 0, }; /*console.log( paddingVars ); if( paddingVars == null ) return padding;*/ if( paddingVars == "" ) return padding; paddingVars = String(paddingVars).strReplace("px", " ").strReplace("pt", " ").strReplace(",", " ").strReplace("|", " ").strReplace(";", " "); // Tách chuỗi padding thành mảng các giá trị var values = paddingVars.split(' ').map(Number); // Gán giá trị vào các thuộc tính của đối tượng padding switch (values.length) { case 1: padding.top = values[0]; padding.right = values[0]; padding.bottom = values[0]; padding.left = values[0]; break; case 2: padding.top = values[0]; padding.right = values[1]; padding.bottom = values[0]; padding.left = values[1]; break; case 3: padding.top = values[0]; padding.right = values[1]; padding.bottom = values[2]; padding.left = values[1]; break; case 4: padding.top = values[0]; padding.right = values[1]; padding.bottom = values[2]; padding.left = values[3]; break; } return padding; } var getItemExClassOfKind = function ( itemKind ) { if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['ICON_IMAGE_TEXT'] ) return " kind-icon-image-text "; if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['GROUP_TITLE'] ) return " kind-group-title "; if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['BLANK_SPACE'] ) return " kind-blank-space "; if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['BIG_IMAGE_TEXT'] ) return " kind-big-image-text "; if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['CUSTOM_HTML'] ) return " kind-custom-html "; if( itemKind == NAVIGLOBAL['ITEM_KINDS']['BUTTON'] ) return " kind-button "; } var getPublishClassed = function ( itemExtIsPublished, itemExtHideWhenLogined, itemExtShowWhenLogined ) { var combinedClass = " "; if( itemExtIsPublished != 1 ) combinedClass += "publish-hide "; if( itemExtHideWhenLogined == 1 ) combinedClass += "publish-hide-logined "; if( itemExtShowWhenLogined == 1 ) combinedClass += "publish-show-logined "; if( combinedClass.trim() == "" ) return ""; return combinedClass; } var getAnimationClass = function ( itemExtAnimation ) { if( itemExtAnimation != "" ) return " animate__animated " + itemExtAnimation; return ""; } var collectStyles = function ( styleArray ) { let combinedStyle = ' style="'; for(var i = 0; i < styleArray.length; i ++ ) { let styles = styleArray[i].replace(/style="|"/g, ''); combinedStyle += styles; } combinedStyle += '"'; return removeExtraSpaces(combinedStyle); } var collectClasses = function ( classesArray ) { let combinedClasses = ''; for(var i = 0; i < classesArray.length; i ++ ) { combinedClasses += classesArray[i] + ' '; } return removeExtraSpaces(combinedClasses); } var getStyleExtAlign = function (itemExtAlign) { var style = ' style="'; if( itemExtAlign != "inherit") style += ' text-align: '+ itemExtAlign +'; '; style += '" '; if( style.trim() == 'style=""' ) return ''; return style; } var getClassesExtAlign = function (itemExtAlign) { var style = ' '; if( itemExtAlign != "inherit") style += ' align-' + itemExtAlign + ' '; if( style.trim() == 'style=""' ) return ''; return style; } var getStyleExtBackground = function (itemExtBackgroundColor, itemExtBackgroundImage, data, menuLevel = 1) { var style = ' style="'; if (itemExtBackgroundImage != "") { if( itemExtBackgroundImage.includes("?") ) { // Xử lý duy nhất trường hợp có opacity cho background Image var bg = itemExtBackgroundImage.split("?"); var bgImage = bg[0]; var bgOpacity = parseInt( bg[1] ); if( bgOpacity != 0 ) { if( itemExtBackgroundColor == "") { if(menuLevel == 1) itemExtBackgroundColor = data["setting"]['backgroundColor']; else itemExtBackgroundColor = data["setting"]['submenuBackgroundColor']; } style += ' background-image: url(\'' + bgImage + '\'); background-size: cover; '; style += ' background-color: ' + hexToRgba(itemExtBackgroundColor, 1 - (bgOpacity / 100)) + '; background-blend-mode: hue; '; }else { style += ' background-color: '+ itemExtBackgroundColor +'; '; } }else { style += ' background-color: '+ itemExtBackgroundColor +'; '; style += ' background-image: url('+ itemExtBackgroundImage +'); background-size: cover;'; } }else { // Nếu ko có background thì dùng màu bình thường. if (itemExtBackgroundColor != "") style += ' background-color: '+ itemExtBackgroundColor +'; '; } /* if( itemExtBackgroundColor != "") style += ' background-color: '+ itemExtBackgroundColor +'; '; if( itemExtBackgroundImage != "") style += ' background-image: url('+ itemExtBackgroundImage +'); background-size: cover;'; */ style += '" '; if( style.trim() == 'style=""' ) return ''; return style; } var getStyleExtText = function (itemExtTextColor, itemExtTextSize) { var style = ' style="'; if( itemExtTextColor != "") style += ' color: '+ itemExtTextColor +'; '; if( itemExtTextSize != "") style += ' font-size: '+ itemExtTextSize +'px; '; style += '" '; if( style.trim() == 'style=""' ) return ''; return style; } var getStyleExtIcon = function (itemExtIconColor, itemExtIconSize, itemExtIconboxStyle = "", itemExtIconBoxPaddingTop = 0) { var style = ' style="'; if( itemExtIconColor != "") style += ' color: '+ itemExtIconColor +'; '; if( itemExtIconSize != "") { style += ' font-size: ' + itemExtIconSize + 'px;'; // Logic: Nếu có iconBox thì sẽ ko fix cái chiều cao của icon if( itemExtIconBoxPaddingTop == 0 ) style += ' height: ' + itemExtIconSize + 'px; '; /*if( itemExtIconBoxPaddingTop != 0 ) style += ' z-index:10; ';*/ } if( itemExtIconboxStyle != "" ) style += itemExtIconboxStyle; style += '" '; if( style.trim() == 'style=""' ) return ''; return style; } var getExtWidth = function( item ) { var widthLayout = getExtVariable(item, "widthlayout", 1); var itemExtWidth = ""; if( widthLayout == 1 ) itemExtWidth = ""; if( widthLayout == 2 ) itemExtWidth = "8.3333333333%"; if( widthLayout == 3 ) itemExtWidth = "16.6666666666%"; if( widthLayout == 4 ) itemExtWidth = "25%"; if( widthLayout == 5 ) itemExtWidth = "33.3333333333%"; if( widthLayout == 6 ) itemExtWidth = "41.6666666666%"; if( widthLayout == 7 ) itemExtWidth = "50%"; if( widthLayout == 8 ) itemExtWidth = "58.3333333333%"; if( widthLayout == 9 ) itemExtWidth = "66.6666666666%"; if( widthLayout == 10 ) itemExtWidth = "75%"; if( widthLayout == 11 ) itemExtWidth = "83.3333333333%"; if( widthLayout == 12 ) itemExtWidth = "91.6666666666%"; if( widthLayout == 13 ) itemExtWidth = "100%"; if( widthLayout == 15 ) itemExtWidth = "10%"; if( widthLayout == 16 ) itemExtWidth = "20%"; if( widthLayout == 17 ) itemExtWidth = "50%"; if( widthLayout == 18 ) itemExtWidth = "100%"; if( widthLayout == 14 ) { var widthfix = getExtVariable(item, "widthfix", ""); if (widthfix != "") itemExtWidth = String(widthfix).replace("pt", "").replace("px", "") + "px"; } var itemExtWidthStyle = ""; var itemExtWidthClass = ""; if( itemExtWidth != "" ) { itemExtWidthStyle = ' width: ' + itemExtWidth + ';'; itemExtWidthClass = ' widthfix '; } return { 'width': itemExtWidth, 'style' : itemExtWidthStyle, 'class' : itemExtWidthClass }; } function isString(value) { return typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String } var getExtVariable = function( item, varName, defaultValue ) { if( item[varName] != null ) { var val = item[varName]; if( isString(val) ) val = val.trim(); return val; } return defaultValue; } var getItemHighlight = function(data) { // Chỉ phục vụ cho loại highlight var highLightItem = 0; if (data["setting"]['layout'] == NAVIGLOBAL['LAYOUT']['HIGHLIGHT']) { if (data["dragdrop"].length == 7 || data["dragdrop"].length == 5 || data["dragdrop"].length == 3) highLightItem = (data["dragdrop"].length + 1) / 2; } return highLightItem; } var getItemKind = function (item) { var itemKind = 1; if( item["kind"] != null ) itemKind = item["kind"]; return itemKind; } var getItemDivider = function (item) { var divider = 0; if( item["divider"] != null ) divider = item["divider"]; return divider; } var getItemIsParent = function( item ) { var itemIsParent = false; if (typeof (item["children"]) !== 'undefined') if (item["children"].length > 0) itemIsParent = true; return itemIsParent; } var getItemShowBadgeMode = function (item) { var itemShowBadgeMode = BADGE_HIDE; if (item["badge"] == 1) { if( isHadValue (item["badgeiscart"]) ) { if (item["badgeiscart"] == 0) itemShowBadgeMode = BADGE_HIDE; else { itemShowBadgeMode = BADGE_ISCART_WITHCOUNT; } }else itemShowBadgeMode = BADGE_DOT; } return itemShowBadgeMode; } var getItemClickTelSMS = function (isTel, isSMS, item_url) { var html = " "; if( isTel || isSMS ) { html += ''; html += '' html += ''; } return html; } var getItemExClassOfBadge = function (item) { var item_css = " "; if (item["badge"] == 1) { item_css += " item_badge"; if( isHadValue (item["badgeiscart"]) ) { if (item["badgeiscart"] == 1) { item_css += " item_badge_withcount "; if (item["badgecartcount"] == 1) item_css += ""; else item_css += " item_badge_withcount item_badge_withcount_hide"; } } } else item_css += ""; // Do nothing return item_css; }; var getChildExClassOfBadge = function (child) { var child_css = " "; if (child["badge"] == 1) { child_css += " child_badge"; if( isHadValue (child["badgeiscart"]) ) { if (child["badgeiscart"] == 1) { child_css += " child_badge_withcount "; if (child["badgecartcount"] == 1) child_css += ""; else child_css += " child_badge_withcount child_badge_withcount_hide"; } } } else child_css += ""; // Do nothing return child_css; }; var isOpenInbox = function ( item_url ) { if( item_url.length == 10 ) // open:Inbox if( item_url.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "open:inbox" ) return true; return false; }; var isItemTel = function ( item_url ) { if( item_url.length >= 4 ) // tel if( item_url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "tel:" ) return true; return false; }; var isItemSMS = function ( item_url ) { if( item_url.length >= 4 ) // sms if( item_url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "sms:" ) return true; return false; } var isNaviSection = (embed_id != '' ) response.forEach((naviItem) => { navimanData.push( naviItem ); var isDisplayed = true; if (typeof (DEPLOY_ENVIROIMENT) == 'undefined') if (naviItem["data"]["setting"]["displayGlobal"] == null || naviItem["data"]["setting"]["displayGlobal"] == "0") { // Logic: Nếu nhưng ko bật nhưng là block thì vẫn hiển thị bình thường. isDisplayed = false; if( isNaviSection ) isDisplayed = true; }else { let displayGlobalPages = naviItem["data"]["setting"]["displayGlobalPages"]; let currentTemplate = getCurrentTemplate(); if (!displayGlobalPages.includes(currentTemplate)) isDisplayed = false; } // Publish contain/ Don't contain Keyword ------------------------------------------------------ if (isHadValue(naviItem["data"]["setting"]['publishContainKeyword'])) { if( isUrlContain( naviItem["data"]["setting"]['publishContainKeyword'] ) ) isDisplayed = true; else isDisplayed = false; } if (isHadValue(naviItem["data"]["setting"]['publishDontContainKeyword'])) { if( isUrlContain( naviItem["data"]["setting"]['publishDontContainKeyword'] ) ) isDisplayed = false; else isDisplayed = true; } if (isDisplayed) { let data = naviItem["data"]; if( document.getElementsByClassName("naviman_app_overlay").length == 0 ) naviman_app.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', ''); var embedMarginStyle = ""; if( section_setting["embed_margin"] != '0 0 0 0' && section_setting["embed_margin"].trim() != '' ) { var margin = parsePaddingMargin(section_setting["embed_margin"]); embedMarginStyle += ' margin: ' + margin.top + 'px ' + margin.right + 'px ' + margin.bottom + 'px ' + margin.left + 'px ' ; //console.log(embedMarginStyle); } var divNaviItem = ''; naviman_app.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', divNaviItem); var naviman_appItem = document.getElementById(naviItem["embed_id"]); naviman_appItem.classList.add('naviman_layout' + data["setting"]['layout']); generateCSS(naviman_appItem, naviItem["embed_id"], data["setting"], data["dragdrop"], isNaviSection, section_setting); // Add visit call to server by increasing the file count jsonp(naviman_domain + 'ajax-visit.php?action=increateVisitCount' + '&shop=' + shop).then(function(data){}); naviman_appItem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', generateMenu(data, naviItem, isNaviSection, section_setting) ); if( embed_id != "" && (section_setting['not_sticky'] == true || section_setting['not_sticky'] == "true" ) ) { fixNotStickyMenu( naviman_appItem, shop, naviItem["embed_id"], section_setting ); // Logic: Tìm đến section class gần nhất trên Shopify để đổi style -> Có thể có rủi ro nếu ko tìm thấy fixNotStickyParents( naviman_app, response[0], embed_id, section_setting ); } /* Chậm lại để cho CSS ổn định rồi thì mới hiện ra */ setTimeout(() => { addStyleToHeader( '#' + naviItem["embed_id"] + ' { visibility: visible !important }'); }, 250); } // isDisplayed }); }; var saveLog = function(logShop, logToUrl, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ) { let tranferData = { shop: logShop, to_url: logToUrl, from_url: logFromUrl, item_name: logItemName, embed_id: logEmbedId, platform: logPlatform }; const params = new URLSearchParams(tranferData); // console.log(naviman_domain + 'ajax-dataWH.php?action=saveLog' + '&' + params.toString()); jsonp(naviman_domain + 'ajax-dataWH.php?action=saveLog' + '&' + params.toString()).then(function(data){ }); }; var standalizeFuncWillVar = function(str) { str = str.strReplace('"', ''); str = str.strReplace("'", ""); // 1. Add "" for var let result = ''; let parenthesesStack = []; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] === '(' && (i === 0 || str[i - 1] !== '"')) { result += str[i] + '"'; parenthesesStack.push('('); } else if (str[i] === ')' && (i === str.length - 1 || str[i + 1] !== '"')) { result += '"' + str[i]; if (parenthesesStack.length > 0 && parenthesesStack[parenthesesStack.length - 1] === '(') { parenthesesStack.pop(); } else { // Unbalanced parentheses return null; } } else { result += str[i]; } } // Check for unbalanced parentheses if (parenthesesStack.length > 0) { return null; } return result; } var gotoUrl = function (event, item, is_parent, url, embed_id, isNaviSection) { //console.log( item ); if (!is_parent) { if (typeof DEPLOY_ENVIROIMENT != 'undefined') if (DEPLOY_ENVIROIMENT == "DESIGNING") { if( url != "" ) showSnackbar( "Link to: " + url + "" ); return false; } let logShop = naviman_shopinfo["shop"]; let logFromUrl = window.location.href; let logItemName = item.dataset.name; let logEmbedId = embed_id; // Lỗi ở đây rồi let logPlatform = "M"; if( window.innerWidth > 768 ) logPlatform = "D"; let openNewTab = false; if( url.toLowerCase().includes("@new") ) { openNewTab = true; url = url.replace(/@new/gi, ''); } if(url.substring(0, 13).toLowerCase() == "https://m.me/") openNewTab = true; if(url.substring(0, 14).toLowerCase() == "https://wa.me/") openNewTab = true; let logDomain = "https://" + window.location.hostname; url = url.trim(); if( url == "" ) { // Home page saveLog( logShop, logDomain, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); if( openNewTab ) window.open(logDomain ); else window.location.href = logDomain; } if( url == "#" ) { // Do nothing saveLog( logShop, url, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); return false; } if( url.length > 1 ) { if( url.charAt(0) == "#" ) { // #gotoAnchor let logTo = logFromUrl + url; saveLog( logShop, logTo, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); window.location.href = logTo; } if( url.length >= 4 ) // tel if( url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "tel:" ) { //window.open( url ); //window.location.href = url; return false; } if( url.length >= 4 ) // sms if( url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "sms:" ) { //window.open( url ); //window.location.href = url; return false; } if( url.length >= 5 ) // open if( url.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase() == "open:" ) { jsFunction = url.strReplace(':', ''); saveLog( logShop, url, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); eval("naviman." + jsFunction)(); return false; } if( url.length >= 6 ) // share if( url.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() == "share:" ) { jsFunction = url.strReplace(':', ''); saveLog( logShop, url, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); eval("naviman." + jsFunction)(); return false; } if( url.length >= 7 ) // scroll if( url.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "scroll:" ) { jsFunction = url.strReplace(':', ''); var isScrollOnPage = true; if( url.length >= 10 ) if( url.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "scroll:top") isScrollOnPage = false; if( url.length >= 13 ) if( url.substring(0, 13).toLowerCase() == "scroll:bottom") isScrollOnPage = false; if( isScrollOnPage ) jsFunction = standalizeFuncWillVar( jsFunction ); saveLog(logShop, url, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform); if (jsFunction.includes('(')) // Có biến eval("naviman." + jsFunction); else eval("naviman." + jsFunction)(); return false; } if( url.length >= 7 ) // mailto if( url.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "mailto:" ) { window.open( url ); return false; } if( url.length >= 11 ) // javascript if( url.substring(0, 11).toLowerCase() == "javascript:" ) { let jsFunction = url.substring(11, url.length ); jsFunction = jsFunction.strReplace('(', '').strReplace(')', ''); saveLog( logShop, 'js/' + jsFunction, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); console.log("Call function: " + jsFunction); eval(jsFunction)(); event.preventDefault(); // Ko có tác dụng mấy return false; } let isHadDomain = false; if( url.length >= 4 ) if( url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "http" ) isHadDomain = true; if( !isHadDomain ) { if( url.charAt(0) != "/" ) url = "/" + url; url = logDomain + url; } saveLog( logShop, url, logFromUrl, logItemName, logEmbedId, logPlatform ); if( openNewTab ) { if(url.substring(0, 14).toLowerCase() == "https://wa.me/") { // TODO: Need to optimize console.log("Fixed for Whats App"); window.open(url, "WhatsApp", "width=200,height=100"); }else window.open(url ); } else // Todo 19/6: Chỗ này cần kiểm tra xem với loại goto onpage thì sao. { window.location.href = url; if( url.includes('#') ){ setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 500); } } } } else { if( item.classList.contains("child") ) showLevel3Items( item, isNaviSection ); else showLevel2Items( item ); } // Tránh việc gọi ông con thì lại gọi thêm ông bố event.stopPropagation(); }; var hideAllLevel3Items = function () { document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app ul.children ul.children').forEach((item) => { item.style.display = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app ul.children ul.children').forEach((item) => { item.style.display = "none"; }); }; var findIDofMenuItem = function(menuItem) { if( menuItem == null ) return null; if( menuItem.parentElement == null ) return null; if( menuItem.classList.contains("naviItem") ) return menuItem.id; return findIDofMenuItem( menuItem.parentElement ); } var showLevel3Items = function( menuItem, isNaviSection ) { var ulParent = menuItem.parentElement; let ulChildrent = menuItem.querySelector('ul.children'); var isMobileMode = (window.innerWidth <= 768); // Nếu trên mobile thì sẽ có 1 cái overlay màu xám if( isMobileMode ) { var liTitle = document.createElement("li"); liTitle.setAttribute("class", "overlay-container"); liTitle.innerHTML = ''; ulParent.appendChild(liTitle); } hideAllLevel3Items(); displayElement( ulChildrent, true ); var ulLength = 8; let liChildrent = ulChildrent.querySelectorAll("li.child"); for( i = 0; i < liChildrent.length; i ++ ) ulLength += liChildrent[i].offsetHeight; // Expand menu height if(isMobileMode) menuItem.parentElement.style.height = ulLength + "px"; //(8 + ulChildrent.querySelector( 'li.child' ).offsetHeight * ulChildrent.querySelectorAll("li.child").length) + "px"; menuItem.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; menuItem.parentElement.style.overflow = "hidden"; if( !isFromNotSkickyMenu(menuItem) ) showNaviOverlay(); // Fix level 3 menu if( ulChildrent.style.zIndex != 3 ) { // 1. Cập nhật chiều cao của level 3 bằng level 2 if(isMobileMode) ulChildrent.style.height = ulLength + "px"; // 2. Cập nhật top của level 3 bằng 0/level 2 ulChildrentTopFixed = ulChildrent.getBoundingClientRect().top - ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top; if( isNaviSection == true || isNaviSection == "true" ) ulChildrentTopFixed = 0; ulChildrent.style.top = (-ulChildrentTopFixed) + "px"; // 3. Đánh dấu là đã cập nhật rồi, ko cần update lại ulChildrent.style.zIndex = 3; } // Nếu trên desktop thì sẽ expand ra và set width con=bố if( !isMobileMode ) { var navimanId = findIDofMenuItem(menuItem); var navimanObj = null; for( var i = 0; i < navimanData.length; i ++ ) if ( navimanData[i]["embed_id"] == navimanId ) { navimanObj = navimanData[i]; break; } var setting = navimanObj["data"]["setting"]; ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.style.overflow = "visible"; ulChildrent.style.width = ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.offsetWidth + "px"; // ở dưới if( setting.desktopPosition == 1 || setting.desktopPosition == 2 || setting.desktopPosition == 3 || setting.desktopPosition == 4 ) { ulChildrent.style.left = "-" + ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.offsetWidth + "px"; ulChildrent.style.overflow = "visible"; ulChildrent.style.height = "fit-content"; ulChildrent.style.top = "initial"; ulChildrent.style.bottom = "0px"; } // bên phải if( setting.desktopPosition == 5 || setting.desktopPosition == 9 || setting.desktopPosition == 10 ) { ulChildrent.style.left = "-" + ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.offsetWidth + "px"; } // bên trái if( setting.desktopPosition == 6 || setting.desktopPosition == 7 || setting.desktopPosition == 8 ) { ulChildrent.style.left = (ulChildrent.parentElement.parentElement.offsetWidth + 2) + "px"; } } } var backToLevel1 = function ( event, item ) { // Hide all level 2 var level1Childrens = item.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("children"); for(var i = 0; i < level1Childrens.length; i++){ displayElement( level1Childrens[i], false ); } var parrent = item.parentElement.parentElement; parrent.style.height = "initial"; parrent.style.overflow = "auto"; // Remove overlay var overlay = item.parentElement; overlay.remove(); event.stopPropagation(); } var resetAllItems = function() { document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app ul.children').forEach((item) => { item.style.display = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app span.arrow').forEach((item) => { item.style.display = "none"; }); document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app ul.children').forEach((item) => { item.style.height = "initial"; }); document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app li.overlay-container').forEach((item) => { item.remove(); }); hideNaviOverlay(); } var isFromNotSkickyMenu = function ( menuItem ) { var limitCount = 0; while( true ) { limitCount ++; if( limitCount >= 30 ) return false; if( menuItem.className.includes("section_naviman_app") ) return true; if( menuItem == document.body) return false; menuItem = menuItem.parentElement; } } var showLevel2Items = function( menuItem ) { // 1. Kiểm tra xem có những menu item nào đang được hiện không var is_showing = true; if (menuItem != null ) is_showing = (menuItem.querySelector('ul.children').style.display === "block"); // 2. Xoá sạch trạng thái hiện tại đi resetAllItems(); // 3. Kiểm tra nếu chưa hiện thì hiện các ông con if (menuItem != null ) { if (!is_showing) { displayElement( menuItem.querySelector('ul.children'), true ); displayElement( menuItem.querySelector('span.arrow'), true ); menuItem.querySelector('ul.children').style.overflow = "auto"; if( !isFromNotSkickyMenu(menuItem) ) showNaviOverlay(); } else { displayElement( menuItem.querySelector('ul.children'), false ); displayElement( menuItem.querySelector('span.arrow'), false ); } } }; var openMobileMenu = function() { const divMenu = document.querySelector('.header__icon--menu'); divMenu.addEventListener('click', () => {}); // Xem lai cho false nay divMenu.click(); }; var openCart = function() { const divMenu = document.querySelector('.header__icon--cart'); divMenu.addEventListener('click', () => {}); divMenu.click(); }; var openSearch = function() { var isDawnFamily = true; if(document.querySelector('details-modal.header__search') == null) isDawnFamily = false; if(document.querySelector('details-modal.header__search').querySelector("details") == null) isDawnFamily = false; // Dawn & Craft if( isDawnFamily ) { const divMenuAll = document.querySelectorAll('details-modal.header__search details'); divMenuAll.forEach((divMenu) => { // console.log(divMenu); divMenu.setAttribute("open", "true"); divMenu.querySelector("input").focus(); }); }else { const divMenu = document.querySelector('.header__icon--search'); divMenu.addEventListener('click', () => {}); divMenu.click(); } }; var clickToElement = function ( cssClass ) { if( document.querySelector(cssClass) != null ) { setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector(cssClass).click(); return false; }, "200"); }else console.log("This theme is invalid. Can find: " + cssClass); return false; }; var focusToElement = function ( cssClass ) { if( document.querySelector(cssClass) != null ) { setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector(cssClass).focus(); return false; }, "200"); }else console.log("This theme is invalid. Can find: " + cssClass); return false; }; /***** Scroll to Up/OnPage ******************************************************************/ var scrollTop = function (topMargin = 0) { window.scrollTo({ top: topMargin, behavior: "smooth" }); return false; }; var scrollOnPage = function ( cssOrID ) { var element = document.querySelector( cssOrID ); if( element != null ) element.scrollIntoView( {behavior: "smooth"}); }; var scrollBottom = function (bottomMargin = 0) { window.scrollTo({ top: (document.body.scrollHeight - screen.height - bottomMargin), behavior: "smooth" }); return false; }; /***** Share/copy url ******************************************************************/ var shareCopyUrl = function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href); return false; }; var shareFacebook = function () { var url = window.location.href; window.open('https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=' + url, '_blank'); return false; }; var shareTweet = function () { var url = window.location.href; window.open('https://twitter.com/share?url=' + url, '_blank'); return false; }; /***** Theme: Tailor https://themes.shopify.com/themes/tailor/styles/cotton ******************/ var openMenu_Tailor = function() { return clickToElement('.header__controls .header__menu-button'); }; var openSearch_Tailor = function() { return clickToElement('.header__controls .header__search-button'); }; var openCart_Tailor = function() { return clickToElement('.header__controls .header__cart-button'); }; /***** Theme: Symmetry https://themes.shopify.com/themes/symmetry/styles/beatnik ******************/ var openMenu_Symmetry = function() { return clickToElement(".mobile-nav-toggle"); }; var openSearch_Symmetry = function() { return clickToElement(".show-search-link"); }; var openCart_Symmetry = function() { return clickToElement(".cart-link"); }; /***** Theme: Pipeline https://themes.shopify.com/themes/pipeline/styles/bright ******************/ var openMenu_Pipeline = function() { return clickToElement('[data-drawer-toggle="hamburger"]'); }; var openCart_Pipeline = function() { return clickToElement('[data-drawer-toggle="drawer-cart"]'); }; var openSearch_Pipeline = function() { openMenu_Pipeline(); setTimeout(() => { focusToElement('[type="search"]'); }, "300"); return; }; /***** Theme: Empire https://themes.shopify.com/themes/empire/styles/supply ******************/ var openMenu_Empire = function() { return clickToElement('.site-header-menu-toggle--button'); }; var openSearch_Empire = function() { return clickToElement('.site-header-mobile-search-button--button'); }; /***** Theme: Impulse https://themes.shopify.com/themes/impulse/styles/modern ******************/ var openMenu_Impulse = function() { if(!document.documentElement.classList.contains("js-drawer-open")) { setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.js-drawer-open-nav').click(); }, "200"); } return false; }; var openSearch_Impulse = function() { return clickToElement('.js-search-header'); }; var openCart_Impulse = function() { if(!document.documentElement.classList.contains("js-drawer-open")) { setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.js-drawer-open-cart').click(); }, "200"); } return false; }; /***** Theme: Enterprise https://themes.shopify.com/themes/enterprise/styles/active ******************/ var openMenu_Enterprise = function() { return clickToElement('.main-menu__toggle'); }; var openCart_Enterprise = function() { return clickToElement('#cart-icon'); }; /***** Theme: Warehouse https://themes.shopify.com/themes/warehouse/styles/metal ******************/ var openMenu_Warehouse = function() { return clickToElement('[data-action="toggle-menu"]'); }; var openCart_Warehouse = function() { return clickToElement('[data-action="toggle-mini-cart"]'); }; var openSearch_Warehouse = function() { return clickToElement('[data-action="toggle-search"]'); }; /***** Theme: Xclusive https://themes.shopify.com/themes/xclusive/styles/shoes ******************/ var openMenu_Xclusive = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="nav"]'); }; var openCart_Xclusive = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="cart"]'); }; var openSearch_Xclusive = function() { return clickToElement('.search-compact'); }; /***** Theme: Palo Alto https://themes.shopify.com/themes/palo-alto/styles/vibrant ******************/ var openMenu_PaloAlto = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="nav-drawer"]'); }; var openCart_PaloAlto = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="cart-drawer"]'); }; var openSearch_PaloAlto = function() { return clickToElement('.mobile-menu .search-popdown__toggle'); }; /***** Theme: Borders https://themes.shopify.com/themes/borders/styles/raw ******************/ var openMenu_Borders = function() { return clickToElement( ".mobile-menu-button" ); }; var openCart_Borders = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="site-cart-sidebar"]'); }; var openSearch_Borders = function() { return clickToElement('[aria-controls="site-search-sidebar"]'); }; /***** Theme: Impact https://themes.shopify.com/themes/impact/styles/sound ******************/ var openMenu_Impact = function() { clickToElement('[aria-controls="header-sidebar-menu"]'); }; var openCart_Impact = function() { clickToElement('[aria-controls="cart-drawer"]'); }; var openSearch_Impact = function() { clickToElement('[aria-controls="search-drawer"]'); }; /***** Theme: Broadcast https://themes.shopify.com/themes/broadcast/styles/clean ******************/ var openMenu_Broadcast = function() { return clickToElement('.header__mobile__hamburger'); }; var openCart_Broadcast = function() { return clickToElement('.navlink--cart'); }; var openSearch_Broadcast = function() { return clickToElement('.navlink--search'); }; /***** Theme: Expanse https://themes.shopify.com/themes/expanse/styles/classic ******************/ var openMenu_Expanse = function() { return clickToElement('.mobile-nav-trigger'); }; var openCart_Expanse = function() { return clickToElement('#HeaderCartTrigger'); }; var openSearch_Expanse = function() { return clickToElement('.js-search-header'); }; /***** Theme: Local https://themes.shopify.com/themes/local/styles/light ******************/ var openMenu_Local = function() { return clickToElement('.mobile-menu-button'); }; var openCart_Local = function() { return focusToElement('.mobile-search input'); }; var openSearch_Local = function() { return clickToElement('.mobile-cart-button'); }; /***** Theme: Avenue https://themes.shopify.com/themes/avenue/styles/casual ******************/ var openMenu_Avenue = function() { return clickToElement('.toggleMenu'); }; var openCart_Avenue = function() { return clickToElement('#cart-count-mobile .cart-count-mobile'); }; /*var openSearch_Avenue = function() { return clickToElement('.mobile-cart-button'); };*/ /******************************************************************************************/ var callPublicFunction = function (functionName, context /*, args */) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); var namespaces = functionName.split("."); var func = namespaces.pop(); for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { context = context[namespaces[i]]; } if(typeof context[func] === "function") { return context[func].apply(context, args); } else { //console.log("Function not found: " + functionName); } } var scrollToHide = function (screen, cssNaviPrefix) { let autoHide = false; if (screen == "mobile") { if (isMobileMode()) autoHide = true; } else { if (!isMobileMode()) autoHide = true; } let obj = document.getElementsByClassName(cssNaviPrefix.substr(1) )[0]; // SF-1234567890 if (autoHide) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) { var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (scrollTop > SCROLL_TO_HIDE) { if( obj.style.display != 'none' ) { obj.style.display = 'none'; callPublicFunction("naviApp_scrollToHide_Hide", this); } } else { if( obj.style.display != 'block' ) { obj.style.display = 'block'; callPublicFunction("naviApp_scrollToHide_Show", this); } } }); } }; var openInbox_loopHideChat = function () { var isLoop = true; //console.log("loopHideChat"); if( document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').getAttribute("is-open") == "false" ) if( document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').style.visibility == "visible" ) { document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').style.visibility = "hidden"; isLoop = false; } if( isLoop ) { setTimeout(function () { openInbox_loopHideChat(); }, 200); } }; var openInbox_loopHideFAB = function () { var isLoop = true; if (document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat') != null) { document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').style.visibility = "hidden"; isLoop = false; } if (isLoop) { setTimeout(function () { openInbox_loopHideFAB(); }, 200); } }; var openInbox = function() { if( document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat') == null ) { console.log("Navi+: Shopify inbox is not installed. Read document here"); } var divMenu = document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').shadowRoot.querySelector('.chat-toggle'); document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').style.visibility = "visible"; divMenu.addEventListener('click', () => {}); divMenu.click(); setTimeout(function() { openInbox_loopHideChat(); }, 200); }; var openInboxWithoutReplace = function() { if( document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat') == null ) { console.log("Navi+: Shopify inbox is not installed. Read document here"); } var divMenu = document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').shadowRoot.querySelector('.chat-toggle'); document.querySelector('#ShopifyChat').style.visibility = "visible"; divMenu.addEventListener('click', () => {}); divMenu.click(); }; var asyncGetCart = async function() { const result = await fetch(window.Shopify.routes.root + 'cart.json'); if (result.status === 200) { return result.json(); } throw new Error(`Failed to get request, Shopify returned ${result.status} ${result.statusText}`); }; var updateCartCount = function( item_count ) { // Todo 19/6: Chỗ này cần test kỹ càng, ko work rồi vì nếu trộn lẫn thì sẽ ko chạy var isHideBadge = false; var span = document.querySelectorAll('li.item_badge_withcount span.cart_count'); for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) { span[i].textContent = item_count; if( item_count == 0 ) { span[i].style.display = "none"; isHideBadge = true; } else span[i].style.display = "initial"; } var span = document.querySelectorAll('li.child_badge_withcount span.cart_count'); for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) { span[i].textContent = item_count; if( item_count == 0 ) { span[i].style.display = "none"; isHideBadge = true; } else span[i].style.display = "initial"; } const root = document.querySelector(":root"); if( isHideBadge ) root.style.setProperty("--cart-count-text", '""'); else root.style.setProperty("--cart-count-text", '"●"'); }; var checkAndUpdateCartCount = function() { asyncGetCart().then( function(result) { updateCartCount(result.item_count); }); }; var setCartCount = function(count) { cartCount = count; }; /*window.addEventListener('SCE:mutate', (event) => { updateCartCount(); });*/ /** Library for cart event listener ********************/ (function () { if (!window || !window.Shopify) return; const CartEvents = { add: "SCE:add", update: "SCE:update", change: "SCE:change", clear: "SCE:clear", mutate: "SCE:mutate", }; const ShopifyCartURLs = [ "/cart/add", "/cart/update", "/cart/change", "/cart/clear", "/cart/add.js", "/cart/update.js", "/cart/change.js", "/cart/clear.js", ]; function isShopifyCartURL(url) { if (!url) return false; if (typeof url === 'string' || url instanceof String) { const path = url.split("/").pop(); return ShopifyCartURLs.includes(`/cart/${path}`); } return false; } function updateType(url) { if (!url) return false; if (url.includes("cart/add")) { return "add"; } else if (url.includes("cart/update")) { return "update"; } else if (url.includes("cart/change")) { return "change"; } else if (url.includes("cart/clear")) { return "clear"; } else return false; } function dispatchEvent(url, detail) { if (typeof detail === "string") { try { detail = JSON.parse(detail); console.log( detail ); } catch (err) { } } window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CartEvents.mutate, { detail })); const type = updateType(url); switch (type) { case "add": window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CartEvents.add, { detail })); break; case "update": window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CartEvents.update, { detail })); break; case "change": window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CartEvents.change, { detail })); break; case "clear": window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CartEvents.clear, { detail })); break; default: break; } } function XHROverride() { if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return; const originalOpen = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () { const url = arguments[1]; this.addEventListener("load", function () { if (isShopifyCartURL(url)) { dispatchEvent(url, this.response); } }); return originalOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; } function fetchOverride() { if (!window.fetch || typeof window.fetch !== "function") return; const originalFetch = window.fetch; window.fetch = function () { const response = originalFetch.apply(this, arguments); //console.log(arguments); if (isShopifyCartURL(arguments[0])) { response.then((res) => { res .clone() .json() .then((data) => dispatchEvent(res.url, data)); }); } return response; }; } fetchOverride(); XHROverride(); })(); /******** Active menu item: beg ***********/ function trimChar(str, ch) { var start = 0, end = str.length; while(start < end && str[start] === ch) ++start; while(end > start && str[end - 1] === ch) --end; return (start > 0 || end < str.length) ? str.substring(start, end) : str; } function topContain( str, compare ) { str = str.toLowerCase().trim(); compare = compare.toLowerCase().trim(); // console.log(str + " | " + compare); if( str.trim() == "" ) if( compare.trim() == "" ) return true; if( str.trim() != "" ) if( compare.trim() == "" ) return false; if( str.length < compare.length ) return false; if (str.substring(0, compare.length).includes(compare)) { return true; } return false; } /******** Active menu item: end ***********/ var generateActiveItems = function() { var pathName = trimChar(window.location.pathname, '/'); var naviItems = document.querySelectorAll(".naviItem"); for (navi_item = 0; navi_item < naviItems.length; navi_item++) { // Tìm tất cả các naviItem const listItems = naviItems[navi_item].querySelectorAll('li'); //console.log(listItems); for (let i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) { // Tìm trong tất cả các li /* Lọc ra url---------------------------------------------------------------*/ var url = listItems[i].getAttribute("linkto"); url = trimChar(url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+/, ''), '/'); if( url != "" ) if (topContain(pathName, url)) { listItems[i].classList.add("navi-active"); var parent = listItems[i]; for (parent_index = 0; parent_index < 10; parent_index++) { parent = parent.parentElement; if (parent.tagName == "LI") parent.classList.add("navi-active"); if (parent.className.includes('naviItem')) break; } } } } } var checkAndRelayout = function() { if( window.ShopifyAnalytics == null ) return; if( window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta.page.customerId == null ) { // Do nothing // console.log("User is not logged in"); } else { // console.log("User is logged in"); } } function setLocalStorage(key, value, ttl = 10000) { const now = new Date() // `item` is an object which contains the original value // as well as the time when it's supposed to expire const item = { value: value, expiry: now.getTime() + ttl, } localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(item)) } function getLocalStorage(key) { const itemStr = localStorage.getItem(key) // if the item doesn't exist, return null if (!itemStr) { return null } const item = JSON.parse(itemStr) const now = new Date() // compare the expiry time of the item with the current time if (now.getTime() > item.expiry) { // If the item is expired, delete the item from storage // and return null localStorage.removeItem(key) return null } return item.value } return { Name: "Naviman Libraries", drawBottomNav: drawBottomNav, init: init, gotoUrl: gotoUrl, backToLevel1: backToLevel1, clickToElement: clickToElement, focusToElement: focusToElement, // public JS functions openMobileMenu: openMobileMenu, openCart: openCart, openSearch: openSearch, // Scroll scrollTop:scrollTop, scrollBottom:scrollBottom, scrollOnPage:scrollOnPage, // Share shareCopyUrl:shareCopyUrl, shareFacebook:shareFacebook, shareTweet:shareTweet, // Tailor - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/tailor/styles/cotton openMenu_Tailor: openMenu_Tailor, openSearch_Tailor: openSearch_Tailor, openCart_Tailor: openCart_Tailor, // Symmetry - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/symmetry/styles/beatnik openMenu_Symmetry: openMenu_Symmetry, openSearch_Symmetry: openSearch_Symmetry, openCart_Symmetry: openCart_Symmetry, // Enterprise - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/tailor/styles/cotton openMenu_Enterprise: openMenu_Enterprise, openCart_Enterprise: openCart_Enterprise, // Pipeline https://themes.shopify.com/themes/pipeline/styles/bright openMenu_Pipeline: openMenu_Pipeline, openSearch_Pipeline: openSearch_Pipeline, openCart_Pipeline: openCart_Pipeline, // Empire - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/empire/styles/supply openMenu_Empire: openMenu_Empire, openSearch_Empire: openSearch_Empire, // Impulse - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/impulse/styles/modern openMenu_Impulse: openMenu_Impulse, openSearch_Impulse: openSearch_Impulse, openCart_Impulse: openCart_Impulse, // Warehouse - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/impact/styles/sound openMenu_Warehouse: openMenu_Warehouse, openCart_Warehouse: openCart_Warehouse, openSearch_Warehouse: openSearch_Warehouse, // Xclusive - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/xclusive/styles/shoes openMenu_Xclusive: openMenu_Xclusive, openCart_Xclusive: openCart_Xclusive, openSearch_Xclusive: openSearch_Xclusive, // Palo Alto https://themes.shopify.com/themes/palo-alto/styles/vibrant openMenu_PaloAlto: openMenu_PaloAlto, openCart_PaloAlto: openCart_PaloAlto, openSearch_PaloAlto: openSearch_PaloAlto, // Borders https://themes.shopify.com/themes/borders/styles/raw openMenu_Borders: openMenu_Borders, openCart_Borders: openCart_Borders, openSearch_Borders: openSearch_Borders, // Impact - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/Impact/styles/metal openMenu_Impact: openMenu_Impact, openCart_Impact: openCart_Impact, openSearch_Impact: openSearch_Impact, // Broadcast - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/broadcast/styles/clean openMenu_Broadcast: openMenu_Broadcast, openCart_Broadcast: openCart_Broadcast, openSearch_Broadcast: openSearch_Broadcast, // Expanse - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/expanse/styles/classic openMenu_Expanse: openMenu_Expanse, openCart_Expanse: openCart_Expanse, openSearch_Expanse: openSearch_Expanse, // Local - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/local/styles/light openMenu_Local: openMenu_Local, openCart_Local: openCart_Local, openSearch_Local: openSearch_Local, // Avenue - https://themes.shopify.com/themes/avenue/styles/casual openMenu_Avenue: openMenu_Avenue, openCart_Avenue: openCart_Avenue, // openSearch_Avenue: openSearch_Avenue, // Work with other applications openInbox: openInbox, openInboxWithoutReplace: openInboxWithoutReplace, isHadValue: isHadValue, // TODO: No need publish this function // Cart setCartCount: setCartCount, asyncGetCart:asyncGetCart, checkAndUpdateCartCount:checkAndUpdateCartCount, updateCartCount:updateCartCount, generateActiveItems:generateActiveItems, checkAndRelayout:checkAndRelayout, showNaviOverlay:showNaviOverlay, hideNaviOverlay:hideNaviOverlay, isMobileMode: isMobileMode, setLocalStorage: setLocalStorage, getLocalStorage: getLocalStorage }; })(); /** uigen/fix_by_cases.js ****************************************/ /* Fix cho trường hợp click ra ngoài thì đóng toàn bộ menu, quay về trạng thái ban đầu mặc định */ document.onclick=function(event){ if( event.target.closest(".naviman_app ul li ul.children") == null && event.target.closest(".naviman_app .naviItem") == null ) { document.querySelectorAll('.naviman_app ul li ul.children').forEach((item) => { item.style.display = "none"; }); naviman.hideNaviOverlay(); } } /* Fix cho việc hover chuột qua thì hiện lên luôn trên desktop. */ /** uigen/fix_by_cases.js END****************************************/ if (!naviman.isMobileMode()) { setTimeout(() => { var actions = document.getElementsByClassName("navi-hover"); for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { actions[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function () { if (!this.classList.contains("navi-hover-active")) { this.classList.add("navi-hover-active"); this.click(); } }); actions[i].addEventListener("mouseout", function () { if (this.classList.contains("navi-hover-active")) { this.classList.remove("navi-hover-active"); this.click(); } }); } }, "1000"); } var naviLanguage = (function(){ var countryList = { 'ab' : 'Abkhazian', 'aa' : 'Afar', 'af' : 'Afrikaans', 'ak' : 'Akan', 'sq' : 'Albanian', 'am' : 'Amharic', 'ar' : 'Arabic', 'an' : 'Aragonese', 'hy' : 'Armenian', 'as' : 'Assamese', 'av' : 'Avaric', 'ae' : 'Avestan', 'ay' : 'Aymara', 'az' : 'Azerbaijani', 'bm' : 'Bambara', 'ba' : 'Bashkir', 'eu' : 'Basque', 'be' : 'Belarusian', 'bn' : 'Bengali', 'bh' : 'Bihari languages', 'bi' : 'Bislama', 'bs' : 'Bosnian', 'br' : 'Breton', 'bg' : 'Bulgarian', 'my' : 'Burmese', 'ca' : 'Catalan, Valencian', 'km' : 'Central Khmer', 'ch' : 'Chamorro', 'ce' : 'Chechen', 'ny' : 'Chichewa, Chewa, Nyanja', 'zh' : 'Chinese', 'cu' : 'Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian, Old Church Slavonic', 'cv' : 'Chuvash', 'kw' : 'Cornish', 'co' : 'Corsican', 'cr' : 'Cree', 'hr' : 'Croatian', 'cs' : 'Czech', 'da' : 'Danish', 'dv' : 'Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian', 'nl' : 'Dutch, Flemish', 'dz' : 'Dzongkha', 'en' : 'English', 'eo' : 'Esperanto', 'et' : 'Estonian', 'ee' : 'Ewe', 'fo' : 'Faroese', 'fj' : 'Fijian', 'fi' : 'Finnish', 'fr' : 'French', 'ff' : 'Fulah', 'gd' : 'Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic', 'gl' : 'Galician', 'lg' : 'Ganda', 'ka' : 'Georgian', 'de' : 'German', 'ki' : 'Gikuyu, Kikuyu', 'el' : 'Greek (Modern)', 'kl' : 'Greenlandic, Kalaallisut', 'gn' : 'Guarani', 'gu' : 'Gujarati', 'ht' : 'Haitian, Haitian Creole', 'ha' : 'Hausa', 'he' : 'Hebrew', 'hz' : 'Herero', 'hi' : 'Hindi', 'ho' : 'Hiri Motu', 'hu' : 'Hungarian', 'is' : 'Icelandic', 'io' : 'Ido', 'ig' : 'Igbo', 'id' : 'Indonesian', 'ia' : 'Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)', 'ie' : 'Interlingue', 'iu' : 'Inuktitut', 'ik' : 'Inupiaq', 'ga' : 'Irish', 'it' : 'Italian', 'ja' : 'Japanese', 'jv' : 'Javanese', 'kn' : 'Kannada', 'kr' : 'Kanuri', 'ks' : 'Kashmiri', 'kk' : 'Kazakh', 'rw' : 'Kinyarwanda', 'kv' : 'Komi', 'kg' : 'Kongo', 'ko' : 'Korean', 'kj' : 'Kwanyama, Kuanyama', 'ku' : 'Kurdish', 'ky' : 'Kyrgyz', 'lo' : 'Lao', 'la' : 'Latin', 'lv' : 'Latvian', 'lb' : 'Letzeburgesch, Luxembourgish', 'li' : 'Limburgish, Limburgan, Limburger', 'ln' : 'Lingala', 'lt' : 'Lithuanian', 'lu' : 'Luba-Katanga', 'mk' : 'Macedonian', 'mg' : 'Malagasy', 'ms' : 'Malay', 'ml' : 'Malayalam', 'mt' : 'Maltese', 'gv' : 'Manx', 'mi' : 'Maori', 'mr' : 'Marathi', 'mh' : 'Marshallese', 'ro' : 'Moldovan, Moldavian, Romanian', 'mn' : 'Mongolian', 'na' : 'Nauru', 'nv' : 'Navajo, Navaho', 'nd' : 'Northern Ndebele', 'ng' : 'Ndonga', 'ne' : 'Nepali', 'se' : 'Northern Sami', 'no' : 'Norwegian', 'nb' : 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'nn' : 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'ii' : 'Nuosu, Sichuan Yi', 'oc' : 'Occitan (post 1500)', 'oj' : 'Ojibwa', 'or' : 'Oriya', 'om' : 'Oromo', 'os' : 'Ossetian, Ossetic', 'pi' : 'Pali', 'pa' : 'Panjabi, Punjabi', 'ps' : 'Pashto, Pushto', 'fa' : 'Persian', 'pl' : 'Polish', 'pt' : 'Portuguese', 'qu' : 'Quechua', 'rm' : 'Romansh', 'rn' : 'Rundi', 'ru' : 'Russian', 'sm' : 'Samoan', 'sg' : 'Sango', 'sa' : 'Sanskrit', 'sc' : 'Sardinian', 'sr' : 'Serbian', 'sn' : 'Shona', 'sd' : 'Sindhi', 'si' : 'Sinhala, Sinhalese', 'sk' : 'Slovak', 'sl' : 'Slovenian', 'so' : 'Somali', 'st' : 'Sotho, Southern', 'nr' : 'South Ndebele', 'es' : 'Spanish, Castilian', 'su' : 'Sundanese', 'sw' : 'Swahili', 'ss' : 'Swati', 'sv' : 'Swedish', 'tl' : 'Tagalog', 'ty' : 'Tahitian', 'tg' : 'Tajik', 'ta' : 'Tamil', 'tt' : 'Tatar', 'te' : 'Telugu', 'th' : 'Thai', 'bo' : 'Tibetan', 'ti' : 'Tigrinya', 'to' : 'Tonga (Tonga Islands)', 'ts' : 'Tsonga', 'tn' : 'Tswana', 'tr' : 'Turkish', 'tk' : 'Turkmen', 'tw' : 'Twi', 'ug' : 'Uighur, Uyghur', 'uk' : 'Ukrainian', 'ur' : 'Urdu', 'uz' : 'Uzbek', 've' : 'Venda', 'vi' : 'Vietnamese', 'vo' : 'Volap_k', 'wa' : 'Walloon', 'cy' : 'Welsh', 'fy' : 'Western Frisian', 'wo' : 'Wolof', 'xh' : 'Xhosa', 'yi' : 'Yiddish', 'yo' : 'Yoruba', 'za' : 'Zhuang, Chuang', 'zu' : 'Zulu' }; function stringByLanguage( str ) { if( str == null ) return ""; str = String(str); let arr = str.match(/<.*?>/g); if( arr == null ) return str; if( arr.length == 0 ) return str; // 1. Loại bỏ các phần có let localizeStr = str; arr.forEach((item) => { localizeStr = localizeStr.replace( item, "" ); }); localizeStr = localizeStr.trim(); // 2. Tạo một array gồm language_code:string langStr = []; langStr.push(["localize", localizeStr]); arr.forEach((item) => { let child = item.replace( "<", "" ).replace( "/>", "" ).replace( ">", "" ); var index = child.indexOf(':'); if( index > -1 ) { var child_array = [child.slice(0, index).trim(), child.slice(index + 1).trim()]; if(child_array.length == 2) if( child_array[0] != "" ) langStr.push([child_array[0], child_array[1]]); } }); // 3. So sánh trong danh sách trả về let currentLang = currentLanguage(); //console.log( langStr ); var output = localizeStr; langStr.forEach((lang) => { if( lang[0] == currentLang ) { output = lang[1]; return; } }); return output; } function currentLanguage() { let pathName = document.location.pathname; if( pathName.length < 3 ) return "localize"; for (var lang in countryList) { var langCom = "/" + lang; if( pathName.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == langCom.toLowerCase() ) { if( pathName.length == 3 ) return lang; if( pathName.length > 3 ) if( pathName[3] == "/" || pathName[3] == "&" || pathName[3] == "#" || pathName[3] == "?" || pathName[3] == "%" ) return lang; } } return "localize"; } return { Name: "Naviman Language", stringByLanguage: stringByLanguage, currentLanguage: currentLanguage, }; })(); var naviman_runApp = function (e) { /** 1.Link CSS & icons **************************************/ function linkCSSToHead( href ) { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.href = href; link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.onload = function () { CSSLoaded('onload listener'); } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild( link ); } function CSSLoaded() { } linkCSSToHead( naviman_css ); linkCSSToHead( "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.min.css" ); /** 2.Get variables **************************************/ var shop = document.currentScript.getAttribute('shop'); var embed_id = ''; if(document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_id') != null) embed_id = document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_id'); var section_setting = []; section_setting['embed_id'] = ''; section_setting['not_sticky'] = false; section_setting['embed_title'] = ''; section_setting['embed_is_full'] = false; section_setting['embed_margin'] = "0 0 0 0"; if(embed_id != '') { var not_sticky = false; var embed_title = ""; var embed_is_full = false; var embed_margin = "0 0 0 0"; if (document.currentScript.getAttribute('not_sticky') != null) not_sticky = document.currentScript.getAttribute('not_sticky'); if(embed_id != '') if(document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_title') != null) embed_title = document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_title'); if(embed_id != '') if(document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_is_full') != null) embed_is_full = document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_is_full'); if(embed_id != '') if(document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_margin') != null) embed_margin = document.currentScript.getAttribute('embed_margin'); section_setting['embed_id'] = embed_id.trim(); section_setting['not_sticky'] = not_sticky; section_setting['embed_title'] = embed_title.trim(); section_setting['embed_is_full'] = embed_is_full; section_setting['embed_margin'] = embed_margin; } // console.log(section_setting); /***************** Mỗi khi gặp đoạn mã này thì sẽ chạy một lần runNaviman. Data có thể là một danh sách hoặc 1 item - Nếu all: Chạy for cho nhiều item. - Nếu section: 1. Nếu sticky thì chạy bình thường (for vô nghĩa) 2. Nếu ko sticky thì bổ sung mã CSS (for vô nghĩa) ***************/ function runNaviman( data, shopinfo ) { naviman.init(); if( isNeedCartCount(data) ) { naviman.asyncGetCart().then( function(result) { console.log("Cart count: " + result.item_count ); window.addEventListener('SCE:mutate', (event) => { naviman.checkAndUpdateCartCount(); }); naviman.setCartCount( result.item_count ); naviman.drawBottomNav(data, naviman_domain, shop, embed_id, section_setting); naviman.generateActiveItems(); naviman.checkAndRelayout(); if( result.item_count == 0 ) { naviman.updateCartCount( result.item_count ); } }); }else { naviman.drawBottomNav(data, naviman_domain, shop, embed_id, section_setting); naviman.generateActiveItems(); naviman.checkAndRelayout(); } } var api_url = naviman_json_cdn + "/" + shop.replace(".myshopify.com", '') + ".all.json"; if( embed_id != '' ) api_url = naviman_json_cdn + "/" + shop.replace(".myshopify.com", '') + "." + embed_id + ".json"; // TODO: Chỗ này không có là không chạy đúng api_url += "?v=" + Math.random(); var api_shopinfo_url = naviman_json_cdn + "/" + shop.replace(".myshopify.com", '') + ".info.json"; api_shopinfo_url += "?v=" + Math.random(); // Start here ===============================================<< fetch(api_url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => { if (typeof window.naviman_shopinfo == 'undefined') { fetch(api_shopinfo_url) .then((response_shopinfo) => response_shopinfo.json()) .then((shopinfo) => { // TODO: Load đi load lại chỗ này không tốt lắm. window.naviman_shopinfo = shopinfo; console.log( window.naviman_shopinfo ); runNaviman(json, window.naviman_shopinfo); }); }else { runNaviman(json, window.naviman_shopinfo); } }); // Start here ===============================================>> function isNeedCartCount( data ) { var isNeed = false; data.forEach((naviItem) => { var dragdrop = naviItem["data"]["dragdrop"]; dragdrop.forEach((item) => { //console.log( item["badgeiscart"] ); if( naviman.isHadValue( item["badgeiscart"] )) if( item["badgeiscart"] == 1 ) isNeed = true; }) }); return isNeed; } /** 3.Get API data **************************************/ function jsonp(uri) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var id = '_' + Math.round(10000 * Math.random()); var callbackName = 'jsonp_callback_' + id; window[callbackName] = function(data) { delete window[callbackName]; var ele = document.getElementById(id); ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele); resolve(data); } var src = uri + '&callback=' + callbackName; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.id = id; script.addEventListener('error', reject); (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(script) }); } }; naviman_runApp();